教师姓名 |
汪炳叔 |
学科 |
材料科学与工程 |
联系方式 | ||||
E-mail:bswang@fzu.edu.cn |
个人简历 |
2000-2004 重庆大学bat365官网登录入口,工学学士/金属压力加工 2006-2012 重庆大学bat365官网登录入口,工学博士/材料科学与工程 2012-2016 bat365官网登录入口,讲师 2016-至今 bat365官网登录入口,副教授 2021-至今 bet356官网手机app先进制造学院,副院长 |
社会兼职 |
国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家 中国机械工程学会材料分会委员会委员 中国电子显微镜学会扫描电镜(EBSD)专业委员会委员 福建省电镜学会理事 《机械工程材料》编委 《材料工程》、《航空材料学报》青年编委 |
教学情况 |
讲授本科课程:《热处理原理与工艺》、《材料成形CAD/CAE》等 研究生课程:《材料先进制备工艺》 教改项目:主持完成1项省级研究生教改项目,5项校级教改项目 指导本科生:指导国家级SRTP 3项,省级SRTP 1项,指导学生参加全国热处理创新创业大赛,获一等奖1项;指导学生参加全国金相技能大赛,获一等奖1项,二等奖2项,三等奖4项;指导本科生发表SCI英文论文2篇,指导学生获得授权国家发明专利2项。 |
研究领域 |
微观组织及织构表征技术(EBSD分析技术二次开发) 金属材料(镁合金、钛合金、铜合金、ODS钢、低熔点合金等)塑性变形机理 金属材料加工过程微观组织与织构控制 高纯稀土靶材塑性加工技术 镁/钛合金孪晶及相变晶体学计算,晶体塑性模拟(VPSC) |
科研项目 |
主持项目: 1. 泉州科技局高层次人才项目,海洋工程用工业纯钛深冷轧制技术研究,2021-2024,在研,主持 2. 金龙稀土合作项目,高纯稀土金属靶材塑性加工技术开发,2021-2023,在研,主持 3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2020J01352,工业纯钛深冷异步轧制孪晶调控机理研究,2020-2023,在研,主持 4. 中国工程物理研究院合作项目,低熔点金属形变及热处理技术研究,2020-2021,已结题,主持 5. 中国博士后科学基金一等资助项目,2017-2019,已结题,主持 6. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2016J01215,基于多向变形的镁合金孪生变体选择机制研究,2016-2019,已结题,主持 7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51301040,基于室温多向高速预变形的镁合金微观组织及织构演变规律研究,2014-2016,已结题,主持 参与项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高强韧CNTs/Al复合材料仿生构型设计与制备基础研究,2019-2022, 在研,参与 2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,51601039,Cu-Nb微观复合线材的界面行为研究,2017-2019,已结题,参与 3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,51131009,时效镁合金的沉淀析出与强韧化机理研究,2012-2016,已结题,参与 |
论著成果 |
发表论文: 部分研究成果已在Acta Materialia、Scripta Materialia、Materials Science and Engineering A等国际学术期刊上发表。迄今为止,已发表SCI论文30余篇。已获授权国家发明专利8项。
(一)镁合金方向论文 1. Bingshu Wang*, Jingjing Shi, Peng Ye, Liping Deng, Ning Guo, Chen Wang, Junfeng Chen, Qiang Li. Analysis of {10–12} twinning variants’ selection behavior during multi-directional compression in Mg–3Al–1Zn magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 55(13):9797-9808. 2. 邓丽萍, 崔凯旋,汪炳叔*, 等. AZ31镁合金室温多道次压缩过程微观组织和织构演变的研究. 金属学报.. 2019, 55(8):976-985. 3. Bingshu Wang*, Jingjing Shi, Peng Ye, Liping Deng, Chen Wang, Junfeng Chen, Xiaohua Yang, Qiang Li, In-situ investigation on nucleation and propagation of {10-12} twins during uniaxial multi-pass compression in an extruded AZ31 Mg alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 731: 71-79 4. Jingjing Shi, Kaixuan Cui, Bingshu Wang*, Liping Deng, Chen Wang, Zeren Xu, Qiang Li, Effect of Initial Microstructure on Static Recrystallization of Mg-3Al-1Zn Alloy, Materials Characterization, 2017, 129: 104-113 5. Chen Wang, Hao Ding, BingShu Wang*, Kui Wang, Jingjing Shi, Junfeng Chen, Effects of deformation texture and twins on the corrosion resistance of rolled AZ31 Mg alloy under 5% uniaxial compression, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2017, 30: 921-930 6. 汪炳叔*, 邓丽萍, Adrien Chapuis, 郭宁, 李强. AZ31镁合金在平面应变压缩过程中的孪生行为研究. 金属学报.. 2015, 51(12):1441-1448 7. Yao Jinyi, Wang Bingshu*, Deng Liping, Adrien Chapuis, Li Qiang and Liu Qing. Simulation of texture evolution and deformation mechanism in Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy during uniaxial compression. Science China Technological Sciences. 2015: 58(12): 2052-2059 8. Wang Bingshu*, Deng Liping, Adrien Chapuis, Guo Ning, Xu Zeren and Li Qiang. Relationship between textures and deformation modes in Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy during uniaxial tension. Materials Characterization. 2015; 108: 42-50 9. Xin Renlong, Liang Yingchun, Ding Changhong, Guo Changfa, Wang Bingshu, Liu Qing. Geometrical compatibility factor analysis of paired extension twins in extruded Mg–3Al–1Zn alloys. Materials & Design. 2015; 86: 656-663 10. Wang Bingshu*, Deng Liping, Guo Ning, Xu Zeren and Li Qiang. EBSD analysis of {10–12} twinning activity in Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy during compression. Materials Characterization. 2014; 98: 180-185 11. Chapuis Adrien, Wang Bingshu and Liu Qing. A comparative study between uniaxial compression and plane strain compression of Mg–3Al–1Zn alloy using experiments and simulations. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2014; 597: 349-358 12. Wang Bingshu, Xin Renlong, Huang Guangjie and Liu Qing. Strain rate and texture effects on microstructural characteristics of Mg-3Al-1Zn Mg alloy during compression. Scripta Materialia. 2012. 66 (5): 239-242. 13. Wang Bingshu, Xin Renlong, Huang Guangjie and Liu Qing. Effect of crystal orientation on the mechanical properties and strain hardening behavior of magnesium alloy AZ31 during uniaxial compression. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2012. 534:588-593. 14. M.Y. Wang, Xin Renlong, Wang Bingshu and Liu Qing. Effect of initial texture on dynamic recrystallization of AZ31 Mg alloy during hot rolling. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2011, 528: 2941–2951.
(二)钛合金方向论文 1. Bingshu Wang*, Huimin Liu, Baoxue Zhou, Liping Deng, Chen Wang, Junfeng Chen, Yonghao Zhang. Effect of grain size on twinning behavior of pure titanium at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 2021, 827: 142060. 2 Baoxue Zhou, Rong Yang, Bingshu Wang*, Liping Deng, Yonghao Zhang. Twinning behavior of pure titanium during rolling at room and cryogenic temperatures. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2021, 803:140458. 3. Peng Ye, Jinyi Yao, Bingshu Wang*, Huimin Liu, Liping Deng, Chen Wang, Junfeng Chen, Qiang Li. A comparative study between {11−22} twinning and {10−12} twinning variant selection mechanisms during uniaxial compression in pure titanium, Materials Characterization, 2020, 162: 110188.
(三)铜合金方向论文 1. Mingxue Zhang, Liping Deng, Bingshu Wang, Hongliang Xiang, Effect of torsional rate on the gradient microstructure, texture evolutions and microhardness of pure copper, Materials Characterization, 2020, 161: 110-141. 2. Liping Deng, Bingshu Wang, Ke Han, Rongmei Niu, Hongliang Xiang, Karl T. Hartwig, Xiaofang Yang, Response of microstructure to annealing in in situ Cu–Nb microcomposite, Journal of Materials Science, 2019, 54: 840-850 3. Liping Deng, Zhifeng Liu, Bingshu Wang, Ke Han, Hongliang Xiang, Effects of interface area density and solid solution on the microhardness of Cu-Nb microcomposite wires. Materials Characterization, 2019, 62-66 4. Deng LIping, Wang Bingshu, Xiang Hongliang, Yang Xiaofang, Ke Han. Effect of Annealing on the Microstructure and Properties of in-situ Cu–Nb Microcomposite Wires. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2016; 29: 668-673 5. Guo Ning, Song Bo, Yu Hongbing, Xin Rrelong, Wang Bingshu, Liu Tingting. Enhancing tensile strength of Cu by introducing gradient microstructures via a simple torsion deformation. Materials & Design. 2016; 90:545-550. 6. Deng Liping, Han Ke, Wang Bingshu, Yang Xiaofang, Liu Qing. Thermal stability of Cu-Nb microcomposite wires. Acta Materialia. 2015, 101:181-188
(四)钢铁方向论文 1. Zhimin Zhang, Qingshan Dong, Bo Song, Hong He, Linjiang Chai, Ning Guo, Bingshu Wang and Zhongwen Yao, Effect of Shear Strain Rate on Microstructure and Properties of Austenitic Steel Processed by Cyclic Forward/Reverse Torsion, Materials, 2019, 12: 506 2. Guo Ning, Song Bo, Wang Bing-Shu and Liu Qing. Influence of Torsion Deformation on Textures of Cold Drawing Pearlitic Steel Wires. Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 2015; 28: 707-714 3. Guo Ning, Liu Tingting, Luan Baifeng, Wang Bingshu and Liu Qing. Dislocation density and configuration in fully pearlitic steel during wire drawing. Materials Research Innovations. 2014; 18: s249-254 4. Guo Ning, Luan Baifeng, Wang Bingshu and Liu Qing. Microstructure and texture evolution in fully pearlitic steel during wire drawing, Science China-Technological Sciences, 2013. 56(5): 1139-1146. |
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